Life saving apparatus

Ensure onboard safety with marine life-saving apparatus from YachtNeeds Marketplace, offering life rafts, life jackets, and emergency flotation devices designed for maritime security. Be prepared for any situation with EPIRBs, distress signals, and personal locator beacons for fast emergency response. Enhance safety with man-overboard recovery systems, rescue throw bags, and fire suppression equipment built for marine environments.

From survival suits to evacuation solutions, find essential life-saving gear for peace of mind at sea.

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Picture of "Chico" Life Jacket 10-20 Kg 100 N
Picture of "Chico" Life Jacket 30-40Kg 150 N
Picture of 50N Life Vest S-M Red/Black

50N Life Vest S-M Red/Black

Picture of Adult Lifejacket 150N

Adult Lifejacket 150N

Picture of Adult lifejacket or belt 100N

Aqua sailor buoyancy aid - S

Picture of Arimar Coastal 4-Seat Life Raft Within 12 Miles Bag
Picture of Arimar Coastal 6-Seat Raft Within 12 Miles Suitcase