Life saving apparatus

Ensure onboard safety with marine life-saving apparatus from YachtNeeds Marketplace, offering life rafts, life jackets, and emergency flotation devices designed for maritime security. Be prepared for any situation with EPIRBs, distress signals, and personal locator beacons for fast emergency response. Enhance safety with man-overboard recovery systems, rescue throw bags, and fire suppression equipment built for marine environments.

From survival suits to evacuation solutions, find essential life-saving gear for peace of mind at sea.

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Picture of Crewfit 180N Pro Lifejacket

Crewfit 180N Pro Lifejacket

Picture of Crewsaver Rearming Packs for Automatic Lifejackets
Picture of Crewsaver Spray Hood

Crewsaver Spray Hood

Picture of Crewwatcher MOB Alarm

Crewwatcher MOB Alarm

Picture of Electric Led Indicator For Life Jackets
Picture of Electronic floating rescue light - Sealux
Picture of Ergofit 290N OC Lifejacket

Ergofit 290N OC Lifejacket

Picture of Firetool Portable Fire Extinguishers