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The precise WEMPE NAUTICAL barometer measures atmospheric pressure in a manner that the weather of the following two days can be forecasted. Due to this special feature, the barometer is one of the most important instruments at sea. Such prediction can also be of advantage on land, which makes the WEMPE barometer a useful and at the same time decorative element of private rooms and offices.
This WEMPE barometer is 120mm in diameter with a 78mm clock face in white.
"Leisure sailors worldwide rely on the quality and precision of their instruments and many famous cruise liners, mega yachts and German and international cargo, research and navy vessels are equipped with Wempe clock systems. Wempes devotion to their fascination of sailing and the exacting task of manufacturing precise maritime instruments, and nautical timekeeping systems, is why they are the market leader and pioneer in developing and creating new products."