M1007/M2012 - Quick Epoxy Adhesive 5MIN

Manufacturer: Résine-Net
- M1007 : Resin & M2012 : Hardener - Setting time : 5min at room temperature - Viscosity : medium - Packaging : 400ml - Adheres to various materials : metals, ceramics, composites, glass, steel and aluminium - Ideal use : quick repairs for industrial repairs, domestic use, boating and more - Suitable for professional & private use
Manufacturer part number: M1007/M2012
Vendor: Résine-Net
Availability: In stock
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Product Description

Pro-Set's high-performance Rapid Epoxy Adhesive is composed of M1007 for the resin and M2012 for the hardener. This system is formulated for adhesive applications requiring an extremely fast setting time, in just 5 min at room temperature, and reaches full polymerization in 7 days. The viscosity of the adhesive is medium and the mixture is almost colourless. Epoxy is compatible with a multitude of materials: metals, ceramics, composites, glass, steel and aluminium. Offers robust, long-lasting strength.

Surface Preparation

All surfaces to be bonded must be degreased with a solvent such as acetone or WEST SYSTEM 850. Remove all sanding dust with a clean brush. Make a final stroke with a clean cloth soaked in solvent to remove amines and dust.

Application Instructions

Use a standard caulking gun in a suitable, clean, dry container. Mix with a spatula. After mixing, immediately apply a thin coat to both prepared surfaces. Press the surfaces together, eliminating air, and hold them in position until the resin polymerizes. At room temperature, bonding strength will continue to develop for around 7 days.

  • Mixing ratio by volume: 1:1 (Resin:Hardener)

Technical Properties M1007/2012


  • 100g mass at 25°C: 4min
  • Thin film at 25°C: 5 min
  • Thin film at 7°C: 20min

Typical Bond Strength:

Material30 min1 day7 days
Mild steel / Mild steel2.07 MPa3.45 MPa5.52 MPa
Copper / Copper4.83 MPa6.21 MPa8.28 MPa
Wood / Wood2.76 MPa3.45 MPa5.86 MPa
Aluminium / Aluminium4.83 MPa5.86 MPa5.86 MPa
Glass / GlassNo bond failure after 16h immersion in cold water
(Detergent wash)No bond failure after 7h immersion in boiling water

For more supplementary information, please refer to the product data sheet.

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