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The Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac may be more compact and concise than the Reeds Nautical Almanac but it contains a wealth of indispensable navigational data specially tailored for small craft sailors, presented in an easy to find, quick reference manner for on-board use.
Streamlined to focus on tidal data (tide tables, tidal streams and tidal curves) and lights, buoys and waypoints, the Small Craft Almanac covers the whole of the UK and Ireland and the west coast of Europe from Denmark to the Gironde.
Published in association with Practical Boat Owner magazine, this practical handy Almanac boasts many unique features for small craft sailors and represents excellent value for money for those who don't need the more comprehensive marina data, passage information and chartlets of the full Reeds Almanac.
Also available: free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at: