i40 Sonar Pack
Large screens for small motorboats, sailing boats, and rigid inflatable boats.
These compact yet powerful SeaTalk instruments allow for complete integration with autopilots and
Raymarine navigation instruments and can be surface mounted or bracket mounted.
Very large digits (maximum 28 mm) and ultra-clear LCD display
These easy-to-use i40 instruments offer extraordinary readability regardless of lighting conditions:
- Red backlighting for improved readability
- Large controls to facilitate use at sea
- Low power consumption to extend battery life.
- SeaTalk interface (SeaTalkng if used with a SeaTalk converter)
- Integrated sensor interface
- Same footprint as the old ST40 Raymarine instrumentation
The i40 Sonar Display Pack will provide you with:
- Extremely accurate depth display
Available in two versions:
- pack with transom probe
- pack with through-hull probe
If you have a motorised outboard boat, opt for the i40 pack with P66 transom probe
The design of the P66 transom sensor protects the sensor from damage caused by grounding, towing, or submerged objects.
Probe cable length: 13 metres
This through-hull sensor fits perfectly on sailing boats and on the hulls of inboard motor boats.
The flush through-hull sensor minimises drag with only 5mm protruding outside the hull. This sensor requires a 51mm diameter hole to be drilled.
Probe cable length: 9 metres