Permanon Yacht
Permanon Yacht is a premium surface protection for top quality materials on luxury yachts, indoors and outdoors. High - price merchandise requires special value - maintaining measures.
Precious material surfaces on a yacht with its exclusive flair need very special protection. The shipping industry for sweet and/or seawater routes demands spotless purity and lustrous shine for yachts and exclusive vessels. By using the highly - sophisticated care product Permanon Yacht you indicate that you want to provide long - term protection for the yacht you cherish.
This surface protection product grants you a higher UV resistance and independence of temperature compared to other conventional boat products. It is best suited for salt water applications. However, also lime and acidic minerals will not affect treated surfaces in a negative way. This chemistry - free and bio - degradable solution provides optimal protection for your yacht from organic contamination, such as seagull droppings etc.
The appearance of a yacht must reflect luxury, good seamanship and security. With Yacht Supershine products, carefully and conscientiously developed by Permanon, you expertly support the positive visual appearance of your yacht. Product features, such as professional sealing and value - maintaining care, are unequalled.