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lt’s a simple principle : The boater pushes or twists the joystick and the ship will mirror the movement exactly. Unwanted movements due to crosswind or current are being automatically compensated by a sophisticated vector control and integrated compass.
Marex OS 3D is based on a Marex OS Ill remote control system. This combination allows for the integration of up to six joysticks stations. Oifferent control station variations are available, from stand-alone joysticks to stations which pair the joystick with a Marex OS III-control head. Oepending on the configuration, two joystick operation modes can be selected: thruster-mode only the thrusters will be operated by the joystick while the engine control remains with the Marex OS III -control heads ; 3D-mode all driving units including thrusters, engines and stee ring gear will be controlled by your fingertips.
Whatever the specific equipment on the ship, the Marex OS 3D joystick system has the right interface for all types of engines, gearboxes and thrusters. Marex ship controls represent a state-of-the-art system solution including engine remote con trol, joystick operation and alarm and monitoring system.