Product Description
An A-Z of seamanship skills needed to understand and enjoy catamarans and trimarans to their utmost. Racing and cruising yachts are catered for, as are trailer-able multihulls. Derived from the author’s own extensive experience, built on through others sharing their knowledge and illustrated with delightful line drawings.
By: Gavin Le Sueur | Nigel Allison
This is an A-Z of seamanship skills for multihull sailors. There are many textbooks on the market which detail general seamanship principles. This is not one of them. Multihull Seamanship is about sea-going catamarans and trimarans and the skills needed to understand and enjoy them to their utmost. Both racing and cruising yachts are catered for, as are trailer-able multihulls.
Seamanship Skills
Seamanship is not a black and white skill. It is an evolution of knowledge; a building of information through experiment, thought and experience. There is no definitive word on an evolving skill.
About the Book
Multihull Seamanship started as Dr Gavin Le Sueur's personal index of ‘how-to’s. It has grown through experience and others sharing their knowledge. It should be on the book shelf of every catamaran and trimaran. This book is for people who are already multihull sailors, or for those who are contemplating multihull sailing. It has served this community for over 20 years and this second edition is fully updated. It is illustrated with delightful line drawings by Nigel Allison.