Epoxy primer for paints and antifoulings - Interprotect - International
Interprotect is a high-performance two-component primer/undercoat.
Its formulation is perfect for polyester, vinylester, epoxy, steel, aluminium, ferrocement, and wood surfaces above and below the waterline.
High-seal primer applicable in all areas, thus preventing potential film breaks.
High anti-corrosive power to sustainably protect metals.
High-performance epoxy primer with quick drying and easy application.
Excellent anti-corrosive protection
Intermediate bonding layer between an epoxy primer system and antifouling paint
Excellent abrasion resistance
Interprotect can be used on all suitably prepared substrates and on epoxy primers.
Applicable on all stainless steel surfaces and on propeller shafts.
Must not be used on single-component products.
Not suitable for use on bronze or bronze alloy propellers
Application Tips
Degrease with solvent or with a suitable detergent. Blast clean to white using abrasive jet to standard Sa 2½.
If this is not possible, grind with grade P24/P36 to achieve a uniform appearance and a roughness of 50 to 75 microns.
For small surfaces, perform grinding.
Degrease with solvent or with a suitable detergent.
Sand well using abrasive paper grade P24 P120 (compatible with aluminium).
Coarser grades are recommended to achieve perfect adhesion.
Clean thoroughly, and allow to dry.
Apply the first coat of the recommended International primer chosen as soon as possible (within 8 hours).
Degrease with solvent or with a suitable detergent.
Sand well with abrasive paper grade P60 P120.
Clean thoroughly, and allow to dry completely.
Apply the first coat of the recommended International primer chosen as soon as possible (within 8 hours).
Sandblast to achieve a roughness profile of 50 microns. Clean thoroughly, and
allow to dry completely.
Apply the first coat of the recommended International primer chosen as soon as possible (within 8 hours).
Degrease with solvent or with a suitable detergent.
Perform sanding with abrasive grade 120, or prepare the surface with a rotary wire brush.
Clean thoroughly, and allow to dry.
Apply the first coat of the recommended International primer chosen as soon as possible (within 8 hours).
Sand with abrasive grade 80180 followed by sanding with abrasive grade 280.
Remove sanding residues by brushing,
wiping or sweeping.
In case of solvent wiping, allow to dry completely before applying the recommended products for direct application on wood.
Mix the components well separately.
Add the hardener to the base, mix and let rest for 10 minutes to allow for degassing.
Thinner No. 7
Thinner No. 7
To achieve the best performance, curing must take place at a temperature of at least 10°C.