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Freiberger are renowned for their precision professional sextants. This sextant is the smallest in their range and designed with yachtsmen and women in mind. It is surprisingly hard to find a safe place to stow a full size sextant box on a small yacht. The carrying case for the Freiberger Yacht Sextant is just 265 x 240 x 150 mm, so it should be possible to find somewhere to tuck it away. Although slightly smaller than most sextants it certainly doesn’t lack features. The frame is beautifully balanced and fitted with large horizon and index mirrors. The mirrors are tested for optical flatness and parallelism. The 3.2 x 30 mm telescope has a large revolving rubber eyepiece so the scope can be adjusted without the rubber turning against the navigators eye. There are three index filters and two horizon filters to avoid optical damage and provide the correct level of brightness. Made in Germany.
Arthur Beale Says: The Freiberger Yacht Sextant is a great sextant for yachts of all sizes.