Content compliant with French regulations - Division 240
SEC0051: Coastal Pharmacy : for navigation up to 6 miles and for rivers
Contents of the box:
- 5 sterile gauze compresses 7.5 x 6.5 cm
- 5 round adhesive dressings
- 1 box of adhesive dressings 1m x 6 cm
- 1 box of adhesive dressings 19 x 72 mm
- 1 roll of adhesive tape 1.25m x 5 cm
- 1 zigzag cotton 25 g
- 2 hydrophilic gauze rolls of 5m x 5cm
1 bottle of iodinated antiseptic 50 ml
SEC0052: Semi-Offshore Pharmacy: for navigation between 6 and 60 miles and for rivers
Contents of the box:
- 5 sterile gauze compresses 20 x 20 cm
- 1 hemostatic pad
- 1 roll of 4 m cohesive elastic bandage 6 cm x 4 m
- 1 box of adhesive dressings 19 x 72 mm
- 10 packets of examination gloves
- 1 roll of adhesive tape 2.5 cm x 5 m
- 1 bottle of iodinated antiseptic 50 cc
- 1 survival blanket
- 1 sterile adhesive dressing 7.5 x 5 cm
SEC0053: Offshore Pharmacy: for navigation over 60 miles
Contents of the box: This pharmacy has the option to be hung on a wall.
- 5 sterile gauze compresses 20 x 20 cm
- 5 sterile non-woven compresses 7.5 x 7.5 cm
- 1 hemostatic pad
- 1 iodinated povidone solution
- 1 roll of 4m cohesive elastic bandage
- 1 roll of 4m cohesive elastic bandage
- 1 roll of 4m crepe bandage
- 1 roll of adhesive tape 2.5 cm x 5m
- 10 packets of disinfectant solution
- 4 pairs of examination gloves
- 1 pair ofLister scissors
- 1 survival blanket
- 30 adhesive dressings
- 1 sterile adhesive dressing 7.5 x 5 cm
- 2 sterile burn compresses
- 2 triangular bandages
- 1 multilingual manual